Monday 26 November 2012

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest novel (1962) and movie (1975)
Use of silence:
Scene: - In the beginning of the movie, when all the all the patients are sleeping and nurse Ratched enter.
Characters: - Nurse Ratched, ward fellows
Conclusion: - Silence is used to make audience aware about the location by revolving the camera around the mental institution, followed by the entrance of nurse Ratched which infer that she controls the institution.

Scene: - Entrance of Mr McMurphy in the mental institution.
Characters:-Mr McMurphy, two police men, two black guards, nurse, several other patients.
Conclusion: The entrance of Mr McMurphy in the institution, where face expression of some people in the hospital are shown to represent the situation and which gives audience an insight about what McMurphy would be thinking about the place.

Scene:- McMurphy hijacks the bus and whole troop goes for the fishing.
Characters:-Mr McMurphy accompanied by all the ward mates and candy
Conclusion: - In the hijacking and fishing scene silence is used and characters reactions are used to represent their feelings on this trip that they are excited about the trip, relishing the new experience. The background music also help us to infer a lot about the character emotions.
Scene:- After First electric therapy was given to McMurphy and he enters the ward.
Characters:-Nurse Ratched , McMurphy ,and other ward members having discussion.
Conclusion:- After having a electric shock McMurphy arrive in the ward, here silence is used to portray the impact that electric shock can have on a person and nurse Ratched reaction towards it. Nurse Ratched reaction towards this incident gives a sense of her harsh attitude and power.

Scene:- At the end when the McMurphy returns  after being having electric therapy for a month, Chief comes to McMurphy and tries to talk to him.

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